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Nexis Uni database tutorial.

Searching in Nexis Uni

Nexis Uni features more than 15,000 news, business, and legal sources from LexisNexis including US Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.


1. Use the search bar in the middle of the page to begin. Let's say you were searching for news articles regarding the relationship between police brutality and race in the United States. If you wanted to limit results to articles published in the last year, your search could look like this: 


2. Read through titles and descriptions to find any items that may be relevant to your search. 


3. To the left of the results page, use the tools to refine your search. For example, you could narrow your results down to articles published in specific states. 


4. Click on an article that interests you. This will bring up information like the abstract, authors, and even exporting citations.

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Subjects: Accounting, Agriculture, Animal, Dairy & Veterinary Sciences, Anthropology, Applied Economics, Applied Sciences, Technology, & Education, Arts, Automotive Technology, Aviation & Technical Education, Biological Engineering, Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Communication Studies, Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education, Computer Science, Concurrent Enrollment/High School, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement, Data Management, Data Sets, Dictionaries & Encyclopedias, Digital Humanities, Economics & Finance, Education, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Engineering, Engineering Education, English 1010/2010, Environment & Society, Geography, Geosciences, Human Development & Family Studies, Images, Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences, Interior Design, Intersectional Gender Studies & Research, Journalism & Communication, Kinesiology & Health Science, Landscape Architecture, Library & Information Science, Management, Marketing & Strategy, Mathematics & Statistics, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Music, Newspapers, Nursing, Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Sciences, Philosophy, Physics, Plant, Soils & Climate, Political Science & Law, Psychology, Research Tips, Social Work, Sociology and Anthropology, Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling, Statistical Information, Technology, Design, and Technical Education, Theater Arts, Theses & Dissertations, Utah's Online Library, Veterinary Medicine, Visual Arts, Watershed Sciences, Welding, Wildland Resources, World Language and Cultures