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Using Utah's Custom Report Builder: Home

This guide will walk you through how to use the Utah State Legislature’s Custom Report Builder which allows you to find information about bills introduced, considered, and passed in the Utah State Legislature from 1997 to the current session.

Using Custom Report Builder

The Customer Report Builder allows you to combine and download information about bills introduced, considered, and passed in the Utah State Legislature from 1997 to the current session. Watch this video for a demonstration of how to utilize this resource! 

Finding Information from the Utah Legislature


1. To begin building a report in Custom Report Builder, start by picking a session from the drop-down menu. You will need to pick a specific year and session type (general or special). 


2. Next, you need to choose what columns your report will contain from the "Display Options" field by clicking the checkboxes. The following are useful columns to contain in most reports: Long Title (general provisions),  Subject, Amounts Appropriated, and Last Action. 


3Under "Filter Options" you can decide if you want to see all proposed legislation or just passed bills. 


4. Under "Search By" you will decide how you want to search. One option is to search by Bill Sponsor in either the House or Senate. Select their name from the drop-down menu. 


5. Or you can search by "Subject." If you choose this option you need to know a specific subject, such as Health Care, that you are looking for to select from the drop-down menu. You will be presented with a list of all the bills related to this subject. 


6. Once you've selected your search options, you need to decide the format of your report. You can select either a PDF or CSV (Excel) file. CSV files allow you to obtain a list of bills that is searchable and sortable. 


7. If you need help finding reports in Custom Report Builder, you can always Ask a Librarian!

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Jen Kirk
Merril-Cazier Library, Lower Level, Room 012
(435) 797-8033