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NURS 2500: Citing Sources


Citing Sources in APA

According to APA 7th Edition guidelines you need to find out as much information as you can about who created and published a source and when. You communicate this to your audience through in-text and Reference List citations which your readers can look up themselves.

APA Guides

Recommended sources for help with APA style guidelines:

Citing Sources in APA

Below are a just a few examples of APA citations. There are many situations which you might run into that don't fit the formats listed below - for more help visit the APA website to learn about specific rules and tips! 


Format (Multiple Authors)

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the article.

Name of the Periodical, volume(issue), #–#.


Albert, R., McKnight, A. G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Thoughts in literature: A review

of literature that presents ethnic and racial representation in groups across Oregon.

Psychology of Popular Media Culture8(4), 210–217.



Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Copyright Year). Title of the book (6th ed.).

Publisher. DOI or URL


Sapolsky, R. M. (2017). Behave: The biology of humans at our best and worst.

Penguin Books. 

Webpage on a Website 


Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date Published). Title of the webpage.

Publisher of the Website. URL


Kuzmich, F. D. (2019, April 1). Nursing mental health. OER Commons.

Newspaper Articles


Author, A. A., & Author B, B,. (Date Published). Title of news article.

Newspaper Publisher. URL


Carey, B. (2019, March 22). Can we get better at forgetting? The New York Times. 


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APA style requires that a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) be included in your citation, if available. To see if a journal article has been assigned a DOI, you can look it up on CrossRef or Ask a Librarian.

example of where to find a DOI on a journal article

For more information about the DOI system, see