The Library provides access to a few hundred research databases, which are specialized search engines used for locating citations to articles and other research material related to specific topics. For research on historical topics related to slavery and abolition, I recommend the following:
Dates of coverage run from 1450 to the present. The database includes citations to publications from around the world in more than 50 languages relating to world history fields such as: diplomatic history, economic history, intellectual history, social history, cultural history, military history, political history, history of religion, and the history of science and technology.
Note: This database does not cover the classical or early modern world. Additionally, please use America: History and Life to locate citations related to the United States and Canada.
Originally published in Joseph C. Miller's Slavery: A Worldwide Bibliography, 1900-1982 (White Plains NY: Kraus International, 1985) and kept up-to-date through 2008 with the annual Bibliographical Supplements published in Slavery & Abolition.