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ENGL 4360: Omeka: Creating Metadata


Creating Metadata

Creating Metadata

Omeka Metadata Cheat-Sheet

These are the recommended fields for Omeka Exhibits.

  • Title: All of your items should have a short, descriptive title. All items must have a title.
  • Description: A detailed description of the item. This should include any information you think is important about the item. This is a free-text field, so you need not follow any specific format.
  • Creator: The person responsible for the creation of the source (e.g. writer, photographer). For interviews (both audio and transcripts), the creator is the interviewee. Others, such as the transcriptionist or interviewer may be listed in the “Contributor” field.
  • Source: For material from Special Collections and Archives, your source will be structured with the text “Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives,” followed by the Call Number.* For outside material, please cite your sources according to your class’s standard citation style.
  • Contributors: This includes interviewers, transcriptionists, audio-video editors and anyone else related to the compilation/editing of the work who is NOT the creator. **
  • Date: In the case of an interview, this is the date that the interview was performed. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Rights holder: This will be added by library staff. They will contact you if they need any additional information from you.

*“Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives, MSS ###, Box #, Folder #.”If you have questions about the format, please contact one of the Digital staff members.

**NOTE: For the Contributors field, please list the person’s role along with their name. For the transcriptionist, you would list it in this format: “Last, First M, YYYY-, transcriptionist” with multiple people separated by a semicolon. You’ll put them in alphabetical order by last name.

Example: Romanov, Dominik A, 1989-, transcriptionist; Smith, Marie, 1985-, interviewer;

The “year” section of this field is the person’s year of birth, and the dash indicates they’re still living (we would fill in the other year if the person had died, and we had their death year).