Article Citation Template:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number, page range.
Example 1:
Hunt, S. L., & Bakker, C. J. (2018). A qualitative analysis of the information science needs of public health researchers in an academic setting. Journal Of The Medical Library Association, 106(2), 184-197. doi:10.5195/jmla.2018.316
Example 2:
Hodge Jr., J. G., Wetter, S. A., Barraza, L., Morcelle, M., Chronister, D., Hess, A., & ... Johnson, W. (2018). Emerging Legal Threats to the Public's Health. Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 46(2), 547-551. doi:10.1177/1073110518782969
Example 3 (no DOI):
The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a universal locator for an article. For articles without DOIs, do not include a DOI.
Topinka, J., Hewitt, B., McLeod, A., & Kruse, C. S. (2018). Healthy Students 2020: Analysis of a Self-Reported Health Assessment in a Public Four-Year University. Texas Public Health Journal, 70(2), 16-22.