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KIN 2000: Assignment Instructions

Introduction and History of Physical Education [KIN|2000]

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Annotated Bibliography Instructions

For the annotated bibliography assignment, you will write five 1-2 paragraph summaries on five different peer-reviewed journal articles. 


  • History of Physical Education (i.e. history of basketball, history of leisure sports)
  • Social Issues in Physical Education (i.e. parenting and sports participation; teenage girls and sports participation)
  • Employment and Professional Issues in Physical Education (i.e. physical education teachers and retention; physical therapy and professional development)

Hint: They don't have to be on the same theme! 

  • All sources are cited in APA style, 7th Edition

  • All sources are scholarly and from a peer-reviewed journal

  • All sources are arranged alphabetically by author's last name

Paper specifics: 

  • Name should be top right of the page as a header at the one-inch mark (Name only please!) 
  • No title page
  • Double spaced
  • 12 point font
  • Font = Times New Roman 
  • Margins should be:
    • Top of page: 1.25  Bottom of page : 1.00
    • Right side of page: 1.00   Left side of page: 1.50​


Creating An Annotated Bibliography

How To Create An Annotated Bibliography

The research process is messy, and an annotated bibliography can help you keep track of all your sources. An annotated bibliography is a list of sources one has used or will use for researching a topic, and it contains a summary and/or evaluation of each source. An annotated bibliography consists of citations and annotations (paragraph summaries about each article). 


Citations: Write down the bibliographic information (author(s), title, date, article title, journal title, etc) of each source and put it in alphabetical order by the author's last name. For this class, we are using APA format.

APA Example: 

Gleaves, J., & Lehrbach, T. (2016). Beyond fairness: The ethics of inclusion for transgender and intersex athletes. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport43(2), 311–326.

Annotation: Annotations can consist of summary, evaluation, and/or reflection, and are written in paragraph form. It can be difficult to remember what each source is about, especially if you have several. Writing up a summary of each source can help you remember the information in each of your sources. Ask yourself: What are the main points of this source? (Summary is bolded in the example.)The following is an example of APA bibliographic information with an annotation:



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Still not sure?

Have questions about your annotated bibliography? Schedule an appointment with your instructor or UTF, Lane Bitner: