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Public Health 4040: Fundamentals of Epidemiology: Finding Popular Media


Epidemiology Research Recorded Presentation

Your Epidemiology Research Recorded Presentation begins with you finding a public health/epidemiology media article (newspaper, magazine, Instagram/Facebook/Twitter post) from this past year that you found interesting.

Once you find this, you need to trace the article or posting back to the published peer review finding.  Take time to select your media piece since you will be speaking extensively on the topic in your presentation.

If you are having trouble finding something, you can try some of these sources:


What if I can't access New York Times articles?

If you find an article but are blocked from reading it, copy the article title and paste it in the search box at the Gale Academic OneFile database to see the full article.

Background Information

As you do your research, you might find it helpful to get a basic understanding of a topic.  News and other sources give information relevant to the story but it may not be a good overview.  Peer-reviewed research articles are very in-depth and assume some knowledge of the subject.  Here are a few places to go for background information for public health topics.

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