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History of Slavery and Antislavery: Home


Welcome to Merrill-Cazier Library. During the course of this semester, you are expected to write a substantial research paper on a topic related to slavery and freedom in the Anglo-Atlantic World from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries. The Library is the laboratory where you will conduct your research. Hopefully, this guide can serve as your lab manual. Please don't hesitate to contact me directly (by whatever means is easiest for you...e-mail, phone, or in person) if you run into trouble. Additionally, anyone at the Information Desk should be able to help you if I'm not available.


By using a formal bibliography or an author's list of works cited, you can often jumpstart your research paper.  A comprehensive history bibliography appears below, but if you need assistance locating a bibliography on a specific topic, please ask!  Dissertations also are an excellent source for starting your literature review.