References are saved to the "My Library" section of Zotero. You can further organize sources in your Zotero library by creating Collections (folders and subfolders) for different projects, papers, assignments, classes, etc.
Step 1: Create a new Collection by clicking the folder with a + found at the top left of the Zotero window.
Step 2: Enter a name for the collection and click OK.
Collections are a lot like music playlists. The same reference item can appear in many different collections but are not duplicated.
Step 1: Select a resource item from the center pane.
Step 2: Click and drag the item your chosen Collection folder.
Zotero has four Special Collections by default.
Tags are often included when the source has subject terms or keywords listed as part of its citation information. You can also create your own tags and then use them for custom searches in your Zotero library. Tags can also be color-coded. To create a tag, follow these steps:
Step 1: Select the research item you would like to tag. Then in the right pane, select Tags and click the Add button.
Step 2: Enter the name of the new tag and press Enter.
The tag search feature is in the bottom left box. Simply scroll through and click on a tag, or type the name of a tag into the search box, and then click on the tag you want.