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EED 7040 Qualitative Methods in Engineering Education: Qualitative Research Examples


Qualitative Research Examples


Baba, M. L., & Pawlowski, D. (2001, August). Creating culture change: An ethnographic approach to the transformation of engineering education. In International Conference on Engineering Education. Retrieved January (Vol. 15, p. 2009).

Crede, E., & Borrego, M. (2013). From ethnography to items: A mixed methods approach to developing a survey to examine graduate engineering student retention. Journal of Mixed Methods Research7(1), 62-80.

Lucena, J., Downey, G., Jesiek, B., & Elber, S. (2008). Competencies beyond countries: The re-organization of engineering education in the United States, Europe, and Latin America. Journal Of Engineering Education, 97(4), 433-447.

Stevens, R., O'Connor, K., Garrison, L., Jocuns, A., & Amos, D. M. (2008). Becoming an engineer: Toward a three dimensional view of engineering learning. Journal Of Engineering Education, 97(3), 355-368.

Crede, E., & Borrego, M. (2013). From ethnography to items: A mixed methods approach to developing a survey to examine graduate engineering student retention. Journal Of Mixed Methods Research, 7(1), 62-80.

Carroll, M. P. (2014). Shoot for the moon! the mentors and the middle schoolers explore the intersection of design thinking and STEM. Journal Of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, 4(1), 14-30.

Case Study:

Matusovich, H. M., Streveler, R. A., & Miller, R. L. (2010). Why do students choose engineering? A qualitative, longitudinal investigation of students' motivational values. Journal of Engineering Education99(4), 289-303.

Runeson, P. & Höst, M. (2009.) Guidelines for conducting and reporting case study research in software engineering. Empirical Software Engineering, 14, 131-164.

Magin, D. J., & Churches, A. E. (1995). Peer tutoring in engineering design: A case study. Studies In Higher Education, 20(1), 73-85.

Action Research:

Gelles, L. A. (2019). Career prospects and resources of domestic engineering doctoral students.

Jorgensen, F., & Kofoed, L. B. (2007). Integrating the development of continuous improvement and innovation capabilities into engineering education. European Journal Of Engineering Education, 32(2), 181-191.

Grounded Theory:

Kinnunen, P., & Simon, B. (2012). Phenomenography and grounded theory as research methods in computing education research field. Computer Science Education22(2), 199-218.

Jonassen, D., Strobel, J., & Lee, C. B. (2006). Everyday problem solving in engineering: Lessons for engineering educators. Journal of Engineering Education, 95(2), 139–151.

Khiat, H. (2010). A grounded theory approach: Conceptions of understanding in engineering mathematics learning. Qualitative Report, 15(6), 1459-1488.


Seeman, K. (2003.) Basic principles in holistic technology education. Journal of Technology Education, 14(2).

Arnold, M. (2003). On the phenomenology of technology: the “Janus-faces” of mobile phones. Information & Organization, 13(4), 231. doi:10.1016/S1471-7727(03)00013-7

Chari, D., Irving, P., Howard, R., & Bowe, B. (2012). Identifying knowledge, skill and competence for nanoscience and nanotechnology research: A study of postgraduate researchers' experiences. International Journal Of Engineering Education, 28(5), 1046-1055.

Lee, C. S., McNeill, N. J., Douglas, E. P., Koro-Ljungberg, M. E., & Therriault, D. J. (2013). Indispensable resource? A phenomenological study of textbook use in engineering problem solving. Journal Of Engineering Education, 102(2), 269-288. doi:10.1002/jee.20011

Narrative Inquiry:

Villanueva, I., & Di Stefano, M. (2017). Narrative inquiry on the teaching of STEM to blind high school students. Education Sciences7(4), 89.

Lahenius, K., & Martinsuo, M. (2011). Different types of doctoral study processes. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 55(6), 609-623. doi:10.1080/00313831.2011.555924

Marshall, D., & Case, J. (2010). Rethinking 'disadvantage' in higher education: a paradigmatic case study using narrative analysis. Studies in Higher Education, 35(5), 491-504. doi:10.1080/03075070903518386


Downey, G.L., & Lucena, J.C. (2004.) Knowledge and professional identity in engineering. History and Technology 20(4): 393-420.

Qualitative Research Considerations and Confusions In Engineering Education:

Baillie, C., & Douglas, E. P. (2014). Confusions and conventions: Qualitative research in engineering education. Journal of Engineering Education103(1), 1.                                                                                        

Beddoes, K., Schimpf, M. C. M., & Pawley, A. L. (2014). New metaphors for new understandings: Ontological questions about developing grounded theories in engineering education. ASEE Paper ID 9010.

Borrego, M., Douglas, E. P., & Amelink, C. T. (2009). Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research methods in engineering education. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(1), 53-66.

Case, J. M., & Light, G. (2011). Emerging research methodologies in engineering education research. Journal of Engineering Education, 100(1), 186-210.

Walther, J., Sochacka, N. W., Benson, L. C., Bumbaco, A. E., Kellam, N., Pawley, A. L., & Phillips, C. M. (2017). Qualitative research quality: A collaborative inquiry across multiple methodological perspectives. Journal of Engineering Education, 106(3), 398-430.


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