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HDFS 2660 Heather Kelley: Cite in APA

[HDFS|2660|Heather Kelley]

Citing Sources in APA

According to APA 7th Edition guidelines you need to find out as much information as you can about who created and published a source and when. You communicate this to your audience through in-text and Reference List citations which your readers can look up themselves.

APA Guides

Recommended sources for help with APA style guidelines:

Automatically Creating Citations in Library Article Collections

Many databases and article collections, plus many e-books, will automatically create citations for whichever article or chapter you are viewing.

Look for a “Cite,” “CiteNow,” or “Cite This Item” button on the database record for the specific article or chapter.
(Not all databases have this feature. For example, LexisNexis does not.)

Examples of citation buttons:

             Cite Button (EBSCOhost)                                      Cite Button (ProQuest)                           Cite This Item Button (JSTOR)

     EBSCOhost databases                      ProQuest databases                               JSTOR
(e.g., Academic Search Premier)
                 (e.g, Newsstand)


APA style requires that a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) be included in your citation, if available. To see if a journal article has been assigned a DOI, you can look it up on CrossRef or Ask a Librarian.

example of where to find a DOI on a journal article

For more information about the DOI system, see

Online Citation Creators

There are plenty of citation creators online, but you always need to double-check their accuracy. Never copy and paste without reviewing the citation for accuracy yourself!