This guide will help you use the ArticleLinker, which attempts to link you to the full text, the record for the print resource, or the interlibrary loan request form for items we do not own locally.
American Historical ReviewThe American Historical Review (AHR) is the official publication of the American Historical Association (AHA). The AHR has been the journal of record for the historical profession in the United States since 1895—the only journal that brings together scholarship from every major field of historical study.
The Library provides access to a few hundred research databases, which are specialized search engines used for locating citations to articles and other research material related to specific topics. For research in history, I recommend the following:
Focus on United States and Canadian history and culture; citations and abstracts only with limited links to full text. Also includes book reviews. OFF-CAMPUS ACCESS REQUIRES AUTHENTICATION.
World history and culture citation and abstract database. Coverage of the U.S. as it relates to other areas of the world. OFF-CAMPUS ACCESS REQUIRES AUTHENTICATION.