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HIST 6000: Historical Methods and Research: Home

[HIST|6000|Kyle Bulthuis]


Welcome to Utah State University and the Merrill-Cazier Library. A central aspect of your master's degree program is learning to conduct historical research effectively. Libraries and archives (not just the Merrill-Cazier Library) will be central in this learning process. All libraries have complex systems of finding aids, discovery tools, and content. If you learn how to use one research library well, however, you should be able to approach any other library with confidence. This guide provides a starting point for learning about information resources useful to historians, primarily the tools of bibliography and primary source discovery.  

This guide also addresses questions related to the patterns of scholarly communication used by historians.  Depending upon your focus, these patterns will be different. For example, those of you who want to teach in a secondary school may use different types of resources than those who plan to ultimately pursue a doctoral degree or those who hope to work in public history. And, the ways in which you communicate with your future professional colleagues will also be different.

Please don't hesitate to contact me directly (by whatever means is easiest for you...e-mail, phone, or in person) if you run into trouble as you begin to explore the world of research libraries!

Off Campus Access

You can access any of our library's databases, e-journals, or electronic books from anywhere in the world. You will be prompted to enter your A# and PIN in order to prove that you are a USU student.  Once you enter your information, you should have access.  If you have trouble with access, contact me via email at