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AV: Research and Information in Aviation Technology: Getting Started


Off Campus Access

You can access virtually all library databases, e-journals, and e-books from home or anywhere off-campus. You will be prompted to enter your A number and Access (banner) password when accessing resources from the USU library website, a library research guide, or Canvas, and then you will have full access.

Aviation Books on Reserve in the Library

These books have been placed in the Reserve area of the library so that you can access them easily and they won't be tied up by someone checking them out as long as the regular 3 week checkout.  Reserves in on the first floor of the library, back in the southwest area of the building (ask at the Info Desk on your way in if you want more detail directions).



Finding Background Information on a Topic in Aviation

Background and reference sources gather information to help introduce you to a topic, give you an overview of what is known in that area, and give you context and terminology for topics.  Here are a few example titles.  Most of them can be found on the 4th floor of the library, although the one on aviation law is on the 3rd floor on the south books area.

The American aviation experience : a history / edited by Tim Brady   TL 521 .A7183 2000  

Understanding flight / David F. Anderson, Scott Eberhardt  TL570 .A69 2010

The illustrated guide to aerodynamics / H.C. "Skip" Smith  TL570 .S56 1992 

Practical aviation law / J. Scott Hamilton KF2400 .H36 2011 (NOTE: this is on the 3rd floor)

Aircraft system maintenance  TL671.9 .A485 2004

Multi-engine pilot manual  TL710 .M84 1995 

Machinery's Handbook  TJ151 .M33 2012

 A & P technician general test guide with oral and practical study guide   TL671.9 .A18 T 2005  

Instrument rating FAA airmen knowledge study guide for computer testing  TL711.B6 I57925 2000  

Library Catalog

The Library Catalog is another great place to gather background information.  Books tend to have broader information than many scholarly articles, so they can be a good place to start before jumping into really narrow conversations.

USU Library Catalog


Use the Advanced Search for more options.

Also, if you'd like to search libraries everywhere, here is a link to WorldCat.  If you find resources that you need that USU Libraries doesn't own, use the "Interlibrary Service Request" link to request it from another library through Interlibrary Services:

WorldCat - World Library Catalog

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