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PSY 6330: Principles of Psychological Measurement and Test Theory: Citation Managers


What are citation organizers?

Citation organizers (or reference managers) store and organize citation information for a variety of research resources for easy representation in a variety of citation styles. These programs allow you to build reference library for many information sources, including journal articles, books and book chapters, audiovisual materials, websites, and more.

Common features:

  • Exist in a desktop and/or browser-based version
  • Support all major citation styles, with some specialized or custom styles
  • Allow import directly from databases and web
  • Build bibliographies with a single click
  • Offer “cite while you write” Word integration
  • May support PDF attaching, annotating
  • Allow you to tag and share libraries

Which ones are supported by the library?


Easy to use, free, open-source program available for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari browsers.

Works well with websites and library databases. You can download a plugin to use your library in Word. Cloud version syncs to desktop version. Additional file storage available for purchase (300 MB for free).

Here is a Zotero LibGuide created by USU Libraries.

Which one should I use?

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