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Math and Statistics: Getting Started


Off Campus Access

You can access virtually all library databases, e-journals, and e-books from home or anywhere off-campus. You will be prompted to enter your A number and Access (banner) password when accessing resources from the USU library website, a library research guide, or Canvas, and then you will have full access.

Finding Background Information on a Topic in Education

Background information can help you identify narrower avenues of a topic, get a feel for the context of a topic, or simply identify words and terms associated with an area of research.  We have numerous background resources relating to various areas of mathematics & statistics - just see below.  Reference sources are found on the 1st floor of the Merrill-Cazier Library and can be checked out for 5 days.

  • CRC concise encyclopedia of mathematics:
    Available online with alphabetically downloadable pages​ or search interface
  • CRC concise encyclopedia of mathematics:
    Print version - available Merrill-Cazier Reference Area (1st Floor); QA 5 .W45 1999 
  • Encyclopedia of measurement and statistics
    Available online. Arranged alphabetically with search full text.
  • Encyclopedia of measurement and statistics
    Print version - available Merrill-Cazier Reference Area (1st Floor); HA 29 .S2363 2007

Library Catalog

The Library Catalog is another great place to gather background information.  Books tend to have broader information than many scholarly articles, so they can be a good place to start before jumping into really narrow conversations.

USU Library Catalog

Use the Advanced Search for more options.

Also, if you'd like to search libraries everywhere, here is a link to WorldCat.  If you find resources that you need that USU Libraries doesn't own, use the "Interlibrary Service Request" link to request it from another library through Interlibrary Services:

WorldCat - World Library Catalog

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