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Faculty: Creating Links to Library Resources: Link to Library Databases & Articles

Linking to Databases and Articles

To share USU Library links to databases and articles, you must locate the permanent or persistent link. Each database has slightly different instructions for finding permanent links on its platform.

This page contains instructions for sharing links to:

  • EBSCOhost
  • Science Direct
  • ProQuest

If there is a database that is not included here that you would like instructions for, please contact

Linking to a Library Database

  1. Find the database you want to link to in the USU Libraries database list.
  2. Right-click on the name of the database and choose Copy Link Location or Copy Link (depending on your browser.)
  3. Paste the link into Canvas or your document, etc.
  4. Add the prepend ( to the beginning of the database link. Be sure http:// is included in both the database link and the prepend, e.g.

Linking to Specific Articles


EBSCOHost is one of the most common database providers via the USU library. Examples of frequently-used EBSCO databases are PsycInfo, and Business Source Premier.

  1. Open the article detailed record to which you want to create a link.
    screen grab of academic search ultimate record page
  2. On the right side under Tools, find Permalink.
  3. The Permalink appears just above the article title. Copy the full permalink URL.screengrab showing location of permalink above the article title
  4. Paste the link into Canvas or any other location where you want to link to the document, adding the prepend as shown on the homepage of this guide.
Note: These instructions will work for most Ebsco databases. Some databases, like Business Source Premier, have slightly different instructions. Contact the library if you need help. 


  1. Open the document record to which you want to create a link.

  2. Find and copy the Stable URL under the publication information.
    Screengrab of JSTOR article record showing location of permalink under article title.
  3. Paste the link as an External Link in Canvas, adding the prepend at the beginning of the URL. See the homepage of this guide for more about the prepend.

screen grab showing usu libraries prepend before a stable url link in Canvas


JSTOR: linking to specific articles/resources

  1. Open the document record to which you want to create a link.
  2. Find the Stable URL under the publication information.

  3. Copy link and paste into Canvas.
  4. Remember to use the prepend ( as shown on the homepage of this guide.

ProQuest: linking to specific articles/resources

Common database from ProQuest include ProQuest Newsstand and Digital Dissertations.

  1. Open the document record to which you want to create a link.
  2. Click Copy Link.
  3. Highlight the link, right-click (on a Mac with one mouse button, press Control + C) and choose Copy.
  4. Paste the link into Canvas or any other location where you want to link to the document.
  5. Remember to use the prepend ( as shown on the homepage of this guide.

Science Direct: : linking to specific articles w/Digital Object Identifiers

A digital object identifier is an identification assigned to an electronic document (or other electronic object). The DOI assigned to an object should allow anyone to easily find the document, regardless of the document's location on the web. Some electronic papers and articles you will find through the library databases are assigned DOIs, such as many items in Elsevier's Science Direct.

  1. Click on the title of the article to which you'd like to link.

    "title highlighted"

  2. Locate the DOI underneath the publication information.
    "DOI highlighted"

  3. To copy the DOI URL, richt click on the link and choose Copy Link Location. Paste into Canvas. See for more information on DOIs in Science Direct.
  4. Remember to use the prepend ( as shown on the homepage of this guide.


Subject Guide

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Subjects: Accounting, Agriculture, Animal, Dairy & Veterinary Sciences, Anthropology, Applied Economics, Applied Sciences, Technology, & Education, Arts, Automotive Technology, Aviation & Technical Education, Biological Engineering, Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Communication Studies, Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education, Computer Science, Concurrent Enrollment/High School, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement, Data Management, Data Sets, Dictionaries & Encyclopedias, Digital Humanities, Economics & Finance, Education, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Engineering, Engineering Education, English 1010/2010, Environment & Society, Geography, Geosciences, Human Development & Family Studies, Images, Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences, Interior Design, Intersectional Gender Studies & Research, Journalism & Communication, Kinesiology & Health Science, Landscape Architecture, Library & Information Science, Management, Marketing & Strategy, Mathematics & Statistics, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Music, Newspapers, Nursing, Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Sciences, Philosophy, Physics, Plant, Soils & Climate, Political Science & Law, Psychology, Research Tips, Social Work, Sociology and Anthropology, Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling, Statistical Information, Technology, Design, and Technical Education, Theater Arts, Theses & Dissertations, Utah's Online Library, Veterinary Medicine, Visual Arts, Watershed Sciences, Welding, Wildland Resources, World Language and Cultures