Source citations should follow APA's general reference list rules, which you can find on Purdue's OWL site. For proprietary information, like that found in business reports in library databases, there aren usually specific formatting rules from APA. Instead, here's a general format many recommend using for library databases:
Name of Organization or Individual (Year, Month Day). Title of information or data [Data type if necessary]. Site name. Publicly-accessible URL
Because URLs for databases are inconsistent, use the database name as the site name and include their public website address. When no author is provided, use the publisher name. Give as much of the date (month, day) as is readily available.
Example for report from Passport database:
Euromonitor International. (2018, July). Ice cream and frozen desserts in Morocco. Passport.
Example for a chart from Statista data:
McCarthy, N. (2019, June 28). Is the world set to witness a second Arab Spring? [Chart]. Statista.
Example for report from IBISWorld database:
Couillard, L. (2018). IBISWorld Industry Report C1111-GL. Global milk and cream manufacturing. IBISWorld.
Company Annual Report from the web:
Pepsico. (2017). Pepsico Inc. 2017 annual report. Pepsico.