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Transition from Web of Science to Scopus: Cancellation


The University will no longer provide access to the database Web of Science as of July 1, 2017. In its place, the Library will continue to subscribe to Scopus, a similar database from a competing vendor. Over the course of academic year 2016–2017, the Library has analyzed several aspects related to the two databases and found Scopus to be the stronger alternative. During the winter 2016 and spring 2017 semesters, Library staff held informational meetings with the department heads of all interested colleges to learn about faculty needs in relation to a comprehensive index, and we have developed ongoing marketing and training efforts to address these needs.

Please refer to the following sections of this guide for additional information:

  1. Rationale for the transition
  2. Scopus training information
  3. Comparisons of content in Web of Science and Scopus
  4. Other libraries that have moved only to Scopus
  5. Journal Citation Reports information

Contact Robert Heaton, Interim Head of Collection Development at the Merrill-Cazier Library, with any questions or concerns: 435-797-8042,


These three modules comprise Web of Science and WILL BE CANCELED:

  • ISI Science Citation Index
  • ISI Social Science Citation Index
  • ISI Arts & Humanities Citation Index

The Library WILL RETAIN its subscription to the following resources:

  • Journal Citation Reports (or JCR), which provides the official, propriety Impact Factor for journals Retaining our JCR subscription has proven impossible. Please refer to the Journal Citation Reports information page for more information
  • CAB Abstracts, an agriculture database published by the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International that is available on the InCites platform (which houses Web of Science) as well as on other platforms