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Searching in Special Collections & Archives (SCA): Searching via Library Catalog

This guide will provide tips on how to find materials in USU's Special Collections and Archives.

Finding Materials in the Library Catalog

Searching for Materials in the Library Catalog

1. The Library Catalog is one method for locating materials. To search for SCA items in the catalog limit your results to SCA materials by using the drop-down menu below the search bar and choosing “Special Collections and Archives.”


2. Then enter your search terms and click "Search."


3. Scroll through the results page and scan the titles, authors, sources, dates and other components to see if any of the items are relevant to your purpose. Click the title of a relevant source to learn more! 


4. When you click the title of a source you are taken to the record page where you can learn more about the source's content to see if it contains relevant info!


5. If you decide this is relevant and want to utilize it in your research - you'll need to find the material in SCA. Physical items in SCA collection will have a “Call Number” that is used to locate the item. The library catalog will also tell you if the item is available. If the item is available to access, write down the Call No. and then visit the SCA Reading Room on the Lower Level of the Merrill-Cazier Library. Staff will retrieve the material(s) for you and you may use the item(s) in the Library.
