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This guide walks you through finding a specific article when you have a citation.

Finding Additional Articles

When conducting research, you might find a citation for an article that looks relevant to your research - this guide will help you find an article when you know the article title and the name of the journal where it was published.

Finding Specific Articles

How To Find a Specific Article

1. If you have the citation of an article and you want to find a copy of it, using the journal title to find the article is typically the best way to go. NOTE: Each journal will look a little different, but the basic steps will be the same. 

For example, let's find this article:

Conner, J. (2014). Lessons that last: Former youth organizers’ reflections on what and how they learned. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 23(3), 447-484.


2. The title of the journal we will be looking for is Journal of the Learning Sciences. Go to the library website's journals list. You can access this from the homepage under Find --> Journals, Magazines & Newspapers. 

USU Library homepage, center of page under the Find heading, 3rd option down: Journals, Magazines and Newspapers

3. Enter the title of the journal and click search. In this case, the title is Journal of Learning Sciences.

Journals, Magazines and Newspapers search bar

4. If the library has the journal, pay close attention to the dates each option provides access to. In this case, we're looking for an article from 2014, so the first link won't work for us. We need to choose an option that includes 2014. If the library does NOT have the journal, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan.

Under the Journal title you will see the publications dates. The second link has dates from 1997 to present.

5. Next, you'll be taken to a website where you can access the journal. NOTE: each website might be organized differently but have a similar process. Be aware of possible similarities within each separate website. Search the title of the article in the top search box: "Lessons that last: Former youth organizers’ reflections on what and how they learned." NOTE: Make sure you are searching "This Journal" in the drop-down menu, since many vendors provide access to several journals. If you have trouble, try entering fewer words from the article title, or search the author's name.

Website, Taylor & Francis: Journal of the Learning Sciences, Drop down menu to the right

6. Click on the article title.

Website, Taylor & Francis: Result list, See info above

You can read it online or download the PDF.

Website, Taylor & Francis: Selected article--Lessons that last. Download PDF on toolbar under the title.

7. If you want to read more from this journal, you can browse by specific issue or search across multiple issues by keyword.

Website, Taylor & Francis: List of issues in the middle of the page, search bar in the top right corner.

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