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Women’s Bureau Historic Documents: Documents

Created as a product of student research in partnership with the Center for Intersectional Gender Studies & Research. This guide is part of a series aiming to provide additional context for the Government Information Collection.

Notable Documents by Topic

The title of the document is listed, followed by the call number for the USU collection.


  • "Employment of Negro Women in White-Collar Positions"
    • L 13.2: N 31.2/1946
  • "Fact Sheet on Educational Attainment of Nonwhite Women"
    • L 13.2: ED 3/AUG. 1968
  • "Negro Women and Their Jobs"
    • L 13.11: 19
  • "Negro Women in Industry"
    • L 13.3: 20

Other Demographics

  • "Help for Handicapped Women"
    • L 13.19: 5
  • "Women in Poverty - Jobs and the Need for Jobs"
    • L 13.2: P 86/3
  • "Your Job Future After College"
    • L 13.2: J 57/1947
  • "Your Job Future After High School"
    • L 13.2: J 57/2/1947
  • "Future Jobs for High School Girls"
    • L 13.19: 7/4

Period-Typical Attitudes

  • "Employment Opportunities for Women: Secretary, Typist, Stenographer, Other Clerical"
    • L 13.3: 263
  • "Do Women Really Want Equal Rights"
    • L 13.2: EQ 2/13/1953
  • "Wages of Candy Makers in Philadelphia in 1919"
    • L 13.3: 4
  • "History of Labor Legislation for Women in Three States"
    • L 13.3: 66
  • Women White-Collar Workers: "Re-Tool Your Thinking"
    • L 13.11:A

Topics Concerning Women

  • "1956 Handbook on Women Workers"
    • L 13.3: 261
  • "Why Women Work"
    • L 13.2: W 84/44
  • "Wartime Reminders to Women Who Work"
    • L 13.2: W 26/1943
  • "Suggested Language for a State Act to Abolish Discriminatory Wage Rates Based on Sex"
    • L 13.2: W 12/13/1964
  • "Abortion Laws"
    • L 13.2: AB 7/1970
  • Marilyn Wants to Know: After High School What? 
    • L 13.11:8

Image: Prepare for a job or for marriage?


  • Women White-Collar Workers: "Re-Tool Your Thinking"
    • L 13.11:A

Image: Re-Tool Your Thinking :Guide to rethinking your job habits.


  • Memo on Job-finding for the Mature Woman
    • L 13.11:13 

Image: Memo on job-finding for the mature woman

About this Shelf-List

The documents included in this guide were identified as samples of different document types. They were chosen to highlight the range of the Women's Bureau historic collection and to be representative of the language and content areas found within the Government Information collection. 


About this Guide

This guide was created in collaboration with USU's ENGL 5400 course, Technology and Activism. The class, under the direction of Dr. Avery Edenfield, examined the role of ethics and social justice in technology use and facilitated independent research projects centered on investigating those relationships. This research guide was designed to explore the communication and language of the Women's Bureau documents within their historic period as well as their modern implications. 

Guide Author

Nicole Hurst has undergraduate degrees in English, with an emphasis in Technical Communications and Rhetoric, and Economics from Utah State University. During her time at USU, she was a student staff member of the Government Information Collection, part of Special Collections & Archives at the Merrill-Cazier Library. 

Vanessa Garcia Vazquez has undergraduate degrees in English, with an emphasis in Technical Communications and Rhetoric, and Criminal Justice from Utah State University. During her time at USU, she was a student staff member of the Government Information Collection, part of Special Collections & Archives at the Merrill-Cazier Library.