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WATS: Research in Watershed Sciences: GIS Data Sources


GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Data


CUAHSI   (Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc) 

A community of scientists dedicated to enhancing the visibility, appreciation, understanding, and utility of hydrologic science through programs of education, outreach, and technology transfer

  • HydroServer — a set of software applications for publishing hydrologic datasets on the Internet. HydroServer leverages commercial software such as Microsoft SQL Server and ESRI's ArcGIS Server for publishing hydrologic data services for an experimental watershed or site. (See also
  • HIS Central — a web application which provides a web interface for adding services to the metadata catalog, and editing service registrations. It also displays the list of registered services available.
  • HydroDesktop — a free software that operates on a user's desktop computer, with the intent of serving as a common entry point into data resources published using the CUAHSI HIS WaterOneFlow web services and includes data discovery, download, visualization, editing, and integration with other analysis and modeling tools.

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