The Utah State University Merrill-Cazier Library complies with the Copyright Law [Sections 107, 108(g)(2)] and the National Commission on New Technological Uses (CONTU) Guidelines when obtaining copies on interlibrary loan for campus library users.
- The library only provides materials that will be used for private study, scholarship, or research.
- The user may be liable for copyright infringement if they violate the "fair use guidelines."
- The library reserves the right to refuse a request for materials if we believe the request would involve violation of copyright law.
- The library will not accept requests for copies in quantities that, in purpose or effect, substitute for the subscription or purchase of that material.
The Library uses several providers, such as the Copyright Clearance Center, to legally fulfill as many requests as possible. In order to operate within the guidelines of "fair use" while striving to provide access to research materials, RSDD's copyright policies for article and book chapter requests are as follows:
- Article: No more than one article from a single issue of a periodical or journal can be delivered and no more than five articles from the last five years. After the fifth article (from the last five years) USU Library often will pay a copyright fee to the publisher. Some publishers charge more than $50.00 per article in copyright fees and some publishers don’t allow copying beyond the copyright guidelines limitations. Individuals who request multiple articles from one journal title may be assessed copyright fees.
- Book Chapters: No more than one chapter or 10% from a single work (whichever is less) can be delivered.