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Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery: Frequently Asked Questions

This is a guide to the services offered by the Resource Sharing and Document Delivery Unit for Current Utah Sate Universty, Students and Faculty

Keeping your account up to date

ILLiad does not automatically update information from Banner, please update your personal information under account information in ILLiad.

  • What is my ILLiad log on? A# and USU password
    • How do I change my password?
    • Can I use this service if I am not currently signed up for classes or work at USU?
      • No, licensing and copyright laws restrict use to current USU patrons.

Contact us

Phone 435-797-2680

Hours 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Mon - Fri

How will I know when my item is available

You will receive an e-mail

You may also sign up to receive text messages

How long can I keep the item I borrowed

The lending library always sets the loan period. The average loan period can vary, but usually is between 2 to 16 weeks. Other libraries sometimes lend items with special conditions regarding the use of their materials such as "Library Use Only" and/or "No Copying."


Please help us maintain good relationships with other libraries by returning your Interlibrary Loan materials on time. Lending libraries reserve the right to recall their materials at any time. If a recall is issued, a new due date will be assigned and you will be responsible for any overdue fees. Overdue fines are $1.00 per day.

How do I receive any electronic materials, such as articles or book chapters?

  • Requested articles will be posted as a PDF in your ILLiad where they can be viewed for 30 days. Please download the files if you need them for a longer period of time.
  • You will be notified by email when the article is posted .
  • Depending on the supplying library some PDF's may be OCR. If not, OCR conversion of articles is available in the Resource Sharing upon request.


USU pays for most charges.

If special circumstances arise, we will contact you and advise you of the cost before placing an order.


Class textbooks cannot be ordered through Interlibrary Loan. They are very difficult to obtain and cannot be kept for the entire semester. If the bookstore does not have the textbook in stock, please notify the bookstore or your instructor. Requests for textbooks will be cancelled.