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Evaluating Your Sources: Home

This guide will walk you through how to evaluate the relevancy and credibility of information.

Choosing Relevant Sources

When conducting research, it can be difficult to identify sources that are credible and relevant to your topic. Watch this video to learn how to evaluate your sources for credibility and relevance by asking yourself a few questions about your sources. 

Investigating Your Sources

How Does Your Source Measure Up?

Information is not created equal. You will need to evaluate each source you want to use in your research. Use the criteria below to help you evaluate information for credibility and help you determine if it fits your situation. 

Evaluation Wheel. Starting from top of circle and moving to the right the sections are: Stop, who, what, where and why


Check your emotions:

  • How does this source make you feel? 

Check your prior knowledge: 

  • What do you already know about this topic and source?

Top section "Stop", Text in section is written above.


  • Who is/are the author(s)?
  • What are the authors' credentials?
  • Do the authors have any potential biases?

Top right section, Who: Text in box is written above


  • What's the authors' main claim?
  • What sources do they cite as support? Can you fact check or verify?
  • Is the author ignoring other or more current perspectives? 

Bottom right section, what?: Text reads what is written above


  • Where was it published? 
  • Does the publication have a potential bias? 
  • Who is the intended audience? 

Bottom left section, where: Text is written above


  • Why is the source useful?
  • Why is this information relevant to your argument? 
  • How could it enhance your argument? 

Top left section, why?: Text is written above

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