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Evaluating Sources: Spectrum of Sources

This guide will walk you through how to evaluate the relevancy and credibility of information.

Spectrum of Sources

The Spectrum of Sources is a tool to help you evaluate the information you find and determine its usefulness for your assignment or information need.


General News

Specialist Publications




National Examiner, Vanity Fair

Time Magazine, National Geographic, USA Today

Quilting Arts Magazine,

The American Biology Teacher

The Journal of Water Sanitation, Transgender Studies Quarterly


General interest topics and entertainment

Current events

Hobby and career-specific information

Specific to a narrow area of research


Journalists, freelance writers, paparazzi

Journalists, Editorial staff, scholars, freelance writers

Individuals with experience or professionals

Experts with academic credentials


The public

Broad audience of concerned citizens

People with similar interests/hobbies or work in the same field

Scholars and professionals in the field


To entertain, promote, or advertise and sell

To inform

To educate

To move the profession forward; to gain a new understanding of the subject area

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Subjects: Accounting, Agriculture, Animal, Dairy & Veterinary Sciences, Anthropology, Applied Economics, Applied Sciences, Technology, & Education, Arts, Automotive Technology, Aviation & Technical Education, Biological Engineering, Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Communication Studies, Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education, Computer Science, Concurrent Enrollment/High School, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement, Data Management, Data Sets, Dictionaries & Encyclopedias, Digital Humanities, Economics & Finance, Education, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Engineering, Engineering Education, English 1010/2010, Environment & Society, Geography, Geosciences, Human Development & Family Studies, Images, Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences, Interior Design, Intersectional Gender Studies & Research, Journalism & Communication, Kinesiology & Health Science, Landscape Architecture, Library & Information Science, Management, Marketing & Strategy, Mathematics & Statistics, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Music, Newspapers, Nursing, Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Sciences, Philosophy, Physics, Plant, Soils & Climate, Political Science & Law, Psychology, Research Tips, Social Work, Sociology and Anthropology, Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling, Statistical Information, Technology, Design, and Technical Education, Theater Arts, Theses & Dissertations, Utah's Online Library, Veterinary Medicine, Visual Arts, Watershed Sciences, Welding, Wildland Resources, World Language and Cultures