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SPED 5060: Consulting with Parents & Teachers: Get Started


Pick a Topic

  1. Partnering with CLD families
  2. Strategies for communication between home and school
  3. Involving families in the IEP process - parents & students
  4. Family-teacher collaboration in the transition process
  5. Collaborating with related service providers
  6. Respite care/guardianship
  7. Collaborating about challenging behaviors
  8. Working with peer tutors
  9. Challenges for siblings and families of a student with a disability

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Identifying Empirical Research

For this assignment you must identify and use empirical research. Empirical research is research conducted from observations or experiments.


  • They pursue a specific research question
  • They are lengthier
  • They are published in academic journals
  • They include the collection and analysis of data


  • Literature Review articles (with no other study components)
  • Meta-analyses
  • Editorials/Letters
  • Case studies
  • Opinion articles


Need more help identifying empirical research?

Use our Identifying Empirical Research guide for more characteristics of empirical research, and tips for identifying these resources.

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Recommended Journals

You can also search for articles in specific journals. Here is a list of journals recommended by your instructor:

  • Exceptional Children
  • Teaching Exceptional Children
  • Young Exceptional Children
  • Journal of Early Intervention
  • Remedial and Special Education
  • The Exceptional Parent
  • Journal of Learning Disabilities
  • Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
  • Learning Disability Quarterly
  • Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities
  • Teacher Education and Special Education