Looking for examples of program evaluations?
Consider including the phrase "program evaluation" (with the quotes) as part of your keywords.
You can combine this keyword with others using Boolean operators.
For example, if you're looking for articles about effective programs for HIV/AIDS prevention, a comprehensive keyword search might look like this:
"program evaluation" AND (HIV OR "human immunodeficiency virus" OR AIDS) AND prevention
For more help, see this guide to Boolean logic and other search strategies.
The following databases include scholarship from a number of disciplines. Scopus collects peer-reviewed scholarly articles with a number of filters to refine your search. If you prefer Google Scholar, be mindful that you cannot limit your results by type of source. To check for yourself whether or not an article comes from a peer-reviewed journal, consult our library research guide about peer review.
Using Google Scholar?
Sync your Google account with USU. This will get you past paywalls for articles USU subscribes to by having you login with your A# and password.
These databases are curated by subject. For example, if you're researching mental health-related programs, PsycINFO might be a good place to search. If your research topic has to do with education, ERIC would be a great place to go. And if you're looking for research about public health interventions, try PubMed. For more database recommendations, see our list of Social Work databases.
Need the PDF/full-text?
Use Article Linker to search for full-text across all databases. If the article isn't available, choose Request via ILLiad or use interlibrary services to request a copy from another library.
As a USU Statewide or Online student, you can access all of the library's databases, articles, and e-books from home or anywhere with Internet. To access library resources from the USU Libraries website, a research guide (like this!), or your Canvas course, you will be prompted to enter your A number and password. For more information on how to order physical books, get research help, and other time-saving tips, visit the Library Services for Statewide and Online Users website.