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PUBH 5500: Research Sources: Finding Full Text of Articles

Databases useful to locate research articles and other information available from the Merrill-Cazier Library and world wide web [PUBH|5500]

Finding Articles When You Have A Citation

When you have a citation to an article like the example below, follow these steps:

Sample citation: Smith J, Dearmun A. Improving care for children requiring surgery and their families. Paediatric Nursing. 2006; 18(9):30-33.

1. Determine the title of the journal or publication. In this example, the journal title is Paediatric Nursing.

2. Look up the journal title in USU's Electronic Journals List to see if it's available online.

  • Enter the title of the journal in the text box.
  • If electronic access is available, a screen will appear with the dates available the databases that carry the title. Click on the link that has the date you need and drill through the issues until you get the one you need. Contact me if you need help!

3. If your title does not appear in the Electronic Journals List, you will need to see if we have it in print.

  • Go to the Library Catalog.
  • Type the name of the journal in the search box and click the title search button.
  • Click on the title of the journal you want from the results list.
  • Look at the listings and remember that there might be more than one depending on the format (paper or electronic).
  • Note the dates available compared to the date you need.
  • Click the Details link.
  • Scroll through the list to find out what volumes (dates) are available.
  • Click the Request Item from BARN link below the volume (and issue) that you need.
  • Click the OK button on the next screen that will tell you that...
  • You can pick up the journal at the 2nd-floor Newspaper and Magazine Desk in the Merrill-Cazier library, typically within 10 minutes after submitting the request. You can check out journal volumes for 2 days.

4. If USU Library doesn't have the journal you need, see below to learn about Interlibrary Loan.

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