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Multiply Marginalized & Underrepresented Scholars: MMU Scholarship

This guide explains who Multiply Marginalized and Underrepresented (MMU) Scholars are, how and why you should incorporate these scholars into your own research, and provides you with some tips and places to start when searching for work by MMU scholars.

Special Thanks

This guide was made in collaboration with the USU Department of English. We want to give special thanks to Cree Taylor, Cana Itchuaqiyaq, and Rachel Quistberg for their help in creating this guide. Their input proved to be invaluable as they shared expertise, resources, and vocabulary that helped frame the content of this guide.

Finding MMU Scholars

MMU authors’ history of exclusion from academia and continued lack of scholarly recognition makes their publications more difficult to find. Search results can easily be filtered in databases by publication date, language, or peer-review; however, there isn’t a filter for MMU authors, so finding these authors often requires some additional searching. Here are some search strategies you can try to help you find work from MMU scholars.

Search Strategies

  • Read the author information in database records and journal articles to learn more about the author. If you can’t find much information about the author, go outside the source and search for university profile pages, blogs, social media, and other online projects the author may be involved in.
  • Change the order of your search results in databases and search engines. “Relevance" is often the default setting for displaying search results, but you can change it to “Date Newest” to find the most current research available.
  • Consider geography/location in your searching.
  • Find out where scholars in your field share ideas less formally (such as blogs, Twitter, etc), to find conversations happening outside of traditional forms of scholarly communication.


Lean Library

The Merrill-Cazier Library at USU subscribes to Lean Library, a browser plug-in that alerts you when online content is available through the library while you are doing your research both on and off-campus. Lean Library works no matter how you do your research.

  • Explore new sources of news. For example, Ethnic News Watch can be used to find publications featuring indigenous voices.
  • Explore professional association conference programs, committee lists, and membership rosters to identify scholars and their interests. Some databases even have a filter that allows you to look at conference papers.
  • Talk with your professors about how they diversify their reading and reference lists and who they think are exciting new voices in the field.

Some content informed by "Whose Shoulders Are You Standing On? Inclusive Citation Practices in Literature Reviews" by Liz Bellamy (Project CORA 2020). 

Places to Search


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Use Article Linker to search for full-text across all databases. If the article isn't available, choose Request via ILLiad or use interlibrary loan to request a copy from another library.

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Subjects: Accounting, Agriculture, Animal, Dairy & Veterinary Sciences, Anthropology, Applied Economics, Applied Sciences, Technology, & Education, Arts, Automotive Technology, Aviation & Technical Education, Biological Engineering, Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Communication Studies, Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education, Computer Science, Concurrent Enrollment/High School, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement, Data Management, Data Sets, Dictionaries & Encyclopedias, Digital Humanities, Economics & Finance, Education, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Engineering, Engineering Education, English 1010/2010, Environment & Society, Geography, Geosciences, Human Development & Family Studies, Images, Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences, Interior Design, Intersectional Gender Studies & Research, Journalism & Communication, Kinesiology & Health Science, Landscape Architecture, Library & Information Science, Management, Marketing & Strategy, Mathematics & Statistics, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Music, Newspapers, Nursing, Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Sciences, Philosophy, Physics, Plant, Soils & Climate, Political Science & Law, Psychology, Research Tips, Social Work, Sociology and Anthropology, Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling, Statistical Information, Technology, Design, and Technical Education, Theater Arts, Theses & Dissertations, Utah's Online Library, Veterinary Medicine, Visual Arts, Watershed Sciences, Welding, Wildland Resources, World Language and Cultures