Features 6,000 video titles with searchable transcripts synchronized to video. The video collection is built from collaboration with A&E Network, The History Channel, and Biography Channel.
Featuring full-text articles, indexing and abstracts from an international array of publications, this database is a comprehensive resource covering fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as photography, folk art, film, architecture and much more. This international database indexes hundreds of peer-reviewed journals and art dissertations and offers full text of articles dating back to 1995.
The Artstor Digital Library provides over 1.6 million digital images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences with an accessible collection of software tools for organizing and presenting research, with contributions from outstanding international museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists' estates.
Note: You must create an individual account to download images. Select 'more' for important information on use restrictions.
The Artstor database is provided to USU Libraries by a license agreement that restricts use of the images and text to authorized users and prohibits public distribution of the content. Therefore, you may not display Artstor content on a web site that everyone can access on the Internet. However, the content may be displayed on password-protected websites, such as websites in which access is given only to participants in a class. Instructors and class participants may display Artstor content during a class lecture or presentation. For answers to other questions about how the Artstor content may be used, please email Becky Thoms.
International modern language and literature bibliographic database. Includes the MLA Directory of Periodicals, with citations from over 5,000 journals and series, monographs, working papers, and conference proceedings all together.
Multidisciplinary e-journal collection for humanities and social sciences. Muse contains nearly 600 quality journal titles from 120 scholarly publishers and is operated by the Johns Hopkins University Press.
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Multidisciplinary scholarly search engine. Covers peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts, and articles from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities, and other scholarly organizations. Includes links to USU resources when on campus.