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Troubleshooting Articles and Databases: Clearing Cache and Cookies

Some basic tips to troubleshooting electronic resources.

Why you should clear your cache and cookies

When you visit a website you often download files automatically that help load the page if you visit it again, or give information for targeted marketing. These files are cookies and cached images. While usually benign, these files sometimes create errors when loading a page or downloading a document. Clearing the cache and cookies will fix errors caused by these files. Below is a guide to clearing your cache and cookies in the most common web browsers. 


If Chrome is your preferred browser you can access the settings menu by clicking the three dots in the top right corner of the browser. In the settings menu hover over "History" and click "Clear browsing data". 


In the resulting page click "Clear browsing data". 


On the final menu make sure the cookies and cached images boxes are checked and click "Clear data". Your cache and cookies should now be deleted. Close and reopen your browser and try your task again to see if you can access your desired content. 



If Firefox is your preferred browser you can clear your cache and cookies in the history settings. At the top of the browser toolbar click "History" and select "Clear Recent History". 


In the resulting box make sure cookies and cache are checked and click "Clear Now". This will clear your cache and cookies. Restart your browser and try to access your desired materials again to see if this fixed the issue. 



If Microsoft Edge is your browser of choice you can clear your cache and cookies fairly quickly. You can start by clicking the three dots in the top right of your browser to access your settings. In the settings menu hover over "History" and select "Clear browsing data". 

In the resulting settings box make sure cookies and cached images are checked and then click "Clear now". Your cache and cookies are now deleted. Close your browser and try your task again to see if you can now access your desired content. 


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