The Library provides access to a few hundred research databases, which are specialized search engines used for locating citations to articles and other research material related to specific topics. Keep in mind that as you do scholarly research, you should look for peer-reviewed resources and think very carefully about how to evaluate your sources. For research in history, I recommend starting with the following options, depending on your focus. (Contact me directly for other specialized tools.)
Need the PDF/full-text?
Use Article Linker to search for full-text across all databases. If the article isn't available, choose Request via ILLiad or use interlibrary loan to request a copy from another library.
Find print and electronic books available from USU Libraries, as well as videos and other materials.
Need a book we don't own?
Use interlibrary loan to request books, articles, and more from other libraries.
Do you need tips on how to use WorldCat? Watch the video below.
When you are looking for background information, it is often useful to use a specialized encyclopedia or other reference tool. There are literally thousands of these types of works that can help you grab a quick fact or get a scholarly overview of a topic. Try some of the sources below or contact me directly if you would like help identifying a useful background source.