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MUSC: Research in Music: Books & Background Info


Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Books and E-Books

Use the library catalog to find books and e-books on your topic by selecting the appropriate Material Types for the resource you are looking for:

Material type filter with Ebook selected

Composer biographies are in the ML410 class, mostly alphabetized by composer last name if you'd like to browse the shelves. You can quickly look up the biographies we have of a composer by searching Composers -- Biography as a Subject along with the last name of your composer as a keyword. Here's an example of one biography we have:

Catalog record for Chopin biography by Jim Sampson

For more help, check out this guide to finding books in the catalog.

Music Reference Sources

Via MusRef (an online project from BYU compiling music reference resources), these links explain "the most common types of sources encountered in music reference. Each essay briefly describes the reference source’s general purposes, common features and characteristics, and concludes with a list of selected examples."

  1. Bio-Bibliographies and Composer Resource Manuals
  2. Discographies
  3. Thematic Catalogues

You can use MusRef to help you identify bio-bibliographies, discographies, thematic catalogs, and other research resources for your topic.

Research Methods

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